Powerlifting Training & Coaching

Coaching Services

Program Design & Coaching

$215 USD/mo

What’s included:

  • Individualized program design for powerlifting, bodybuilding, and general sport
  • Weekly check-ins (via email) consist of technical analysis of the squat, bench press, and deadlift, as well as readiness, recovery and wellness monitoring, and program adjustments
  • Goal-based powerlifting competition strategy
  • Access to the TSG Athlete Management System for data tracking and analysis of your training and performance
  • Access to the TSG Technique Education Resource for comprehensive technique and biomechanical guidance on the squat, bench press, and deadlift
  • Access to the TSG Training & Nutrition Resources E-Book containing up-to-date scientific recommendations on nutrition, supplementation, and wellness for strength and physique athletes

Program Design Only

$145 USD/mo

What’s included:

  • Individualized program design for powerlifting, bodybuilding, and general sport
  • Monthly check-ins (via email)
  • Monthly program adjustments after check-in
  • Goal-based powerlifting competition strategy
  • Access to the TSG Athlete Management System for data tracking and analysis of your training and performance

A behind the scenes look at what it takes to become the best


Their track record precedes them, and you need to look no further than the plethora of world-class lifters they produce

SSPT emphatically recommends The Strength Guys (TSG) for powerlifting coaching. Jason Tremblay has assembled an incredible team of professionals catering to the various needs of powerlifters from novice to elite.

Their track record precedes them, and you need to look no further than the plethora of world-class lifters they produce, including world champions and record holders who consistently execute at the highest levels and uphold a standard of excellence. TSG leaves no stone unturned in their ability to provide expertise in technique coaching/video analysis, mentoring/consultations, guided and custom programming, and game day coaching. We have collaborated with TSG throughout the years with tremendous success and look forward to our future joint endeavors.

Matt Gary & Sioux-z Hartwig-Gary

2016-2018 USAPL National Team Coaches
Supreme Sports Performance & Training

very talented coaches with expertise in powerlifting. They know what they are talking about, & it's a real pleasure to work with them.

Ben Esgro and Jason Tremblay are very talented coaches with expertise in powerlifting. They know what they are talking about, and it’s a real pleasure to work with them.

Plus, Ben is qualified for nutrition and supplements. He has the capacity to push an athlete beyond their preconceived limits and bring the best out of them.

Jason helps to calm me down and improve my confidence when I need reassurance. He is very well organized and always available for his athletes. He really cares about the success of his athletes and always finds the words to secure you and push you!

Lya Bavoil

2021 Raw IPF Squat & Deadlift World Record Holder

Arian helped me unlock potential I didn't realize was possible.

I’ve been working with Arian Khamesi since October 2017. He’s coached me through 2 National Championships, 3 Arnold Championships, and 1 Pan-American Championships. He has helped me set the American record in the deadlift at 4 of those Championships, and the IPF World record at the NAPF Pan-American Championships in Costa Rica in 2019.

Over the years, Arian has always been available when I needed him, and I needed him A LOT. He has shown patience and understanding when I get stressed during meet prep, and helped me unlock potential I didn’t realize was possible.

Sarah Brenner


Can I choose my coach?
If you would like to work with one coach in particular, please let us know and we will try to accommodate. This is one of the most frequently asked questions we get. We will try out best to accommodate your request.
How quickly can I get started?
Once we have your payment, you will be introduced to your coach. It usually takes our coaches a few days to design your first program, so we encourage you to discuss timing with your coach.
How does communication work with my coach?
Our coaches commit to responding to your email within 48 hours on business days. Your coach will discuss how they would like to communicate back and forth.
Do I have to use PayPal?

No, our payments are powered by Paypal behind-the-scenes, but you will have the option to login to PayPal or just pay with your credit card.

Build strength for yourself and the global community

A portion of all coaching service fees go directly to Lift4life

Build Strength for yourself and the global community

A portion of all coaching service fees go directly to Lift4life